My Fantastical Sea Tale

Hi!  My name is Orchid. Born web- footed  in the beautiful city of Portland, Oregon. I am a children's entertainer and composer of children's songs. I do interactive entertainment with children and families. I read stories, sing original songs (as well as the tried and true favorites) about the seas and oceans. I am a nanny by trade and have many years, experience with children of all ages.

I have always sung to children. My belief is children need to hear music of all kinds. It not only stimulates brain development  but  also can be a way to stretch the imagination and creativity that children so often use to decode the world around them. I love the old favorite. but I also have always made up songs to sing to children on the spot. What a fun way to get children to eat their vegetables! Make up a song, and suddenly eating vegetables becomes a fun activity, and a bit silly too.


I am a costume designer, and three years ago I created Orchid the Jellyfish. I wear it at public events and take along a bubble gun. People love Jellyfish, especially a five foot plus tall walking jellyfish. I found that I created smiles everywhere I went. I also found that many special needs children relate to me in my costume when they might not otherwise talk to others. Their parents are amazed. I have taken this idea and created Orchid the Jellyfish/Grandmer Orchid story time and songs. Butterfly Breakdown, a wonderful band in Portland, Oregon, sang on my CD and helped produce a wonderful little demo of three songs. I  look forward to doing more songs with them.


Last year I was lucky enough to swim as a mermaid. Who wouldn't want to be a mermaid? Grandmer Orchid came into being after that enchanting swim. So now I split my time between being a mermaid and a Jellyfish. Reading to children promotes literacy skills and children love being read to by a mermaid or a jellyfish.

But you can also find me in the water. Yes my dears, my tail works wonderfully in the water, and I am a water baby at heart. I worked as Orchid the Jellyfish and Grandmer Orchid in the beautiful little town of Long Beach, Washington. As well as working for the City of Long Beach Tourist Board,  I was happy to entertain at  several events and festivals with my merpod sisters and brothers, Una the Mermaid and her Traveling Fanta-Sea Cove.  I also volunteered with the Pirates of Portlandia.

You can find me at such events as parades, (Starlight Parade, St. Johns parade, McMinniville UFO parade), festivals (Fairieworlds), fairs (Ren-faire, Hawthorne and the Alberta Street Fair), conventions, and parties. Sometimes I just show up at local parks and beaches when the mood strikes.

If you are interested in having either Orchid the Jellyfish or Grandmer Orchid at one of your events,  please drop me a line...pun intended. I have excellent references and am ready to make your event memorable and exciting for your guests.



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